Roncesvalles 2013
All Text Written, Recorded & Performed by RM - Copyright (C) 2024 RM/VMH - All Rights Reserved
Logged transmission - 6926 kHz - in the Summer of 2013, in the neighbourhood of Roncesvalles, in the city of Toronto, a pirate signal of memory begins to transmit.
I admire the Frankenstein poetry of Sorauren. Misshapen, asymmetrical, delightful. This architecture is a chaos dream. It’s a blood red brick aged to orange (rusted) in the sun, set in memory (& today, it is my street) Anarchy has always been a favourite of mine by (architectural) design. This used to be wide, open & plain, but now it’s incomplete. You’re not here.
I lived here once, with you, pool pit of longing, deep, soft wrist kisses in between letter between vein. I could tell you easily scent, precise, dive, bona fide slave to memory, I am buried here. With you.
& People will analyze. They’ll look for method. They’ll wonder why it is I do what I do. I think it best that I tell from the start, that it’s you.
(&) How do we resurrect a city? We tell our stories. We give in to our longing, we do not approach nostalgia for what was but more, desire for what must be.
You have to know the depth of our loss. Feel it scream bone deep, flesh withered & beaten black. You’re not going to bed tonight, darling. You’re staying up with me.
This is Roncesvalles 2013.
Toronto Eulogies
All Text Written, Recorded & Performed by RM - Copyright (C) 2024 RM/VMH - All Rights Reserved
For the souls & the places we’ve lost, we say farewell.
I once knew a tree. I’m not acquainted with the species, nor can I tell you much on the ‘how’ for when it was planted. I can tell you from basic research that it might have been around fifty years old or so (not when I met her - We were a little younger) I know from a tiny bit of investigation in the ‘now’ that the study of trees is named Dendrology, the Greek providing us with one more measured piece of beauty in our language. Dendrology.
I had met her in a cafe that no longer exists in this city, Ephemeral being another word the Greek gifted to us, tied to Ephemeros meaning ‘lasting a day.’ The wonder of the last four letters of the word being ‘Eros.’ Ephemeris in Latin tied to the Greek ephemeros, Brittanica telling us of it being tied to a ‘table giving us the positions of one or more celestial bodies, often published with supplementary information. Ephemerides were constructed as early as the 4th century BC and are still essential today to the astronomer and navigator.’
an ecosystem itself of words, a map & a chart that led me to say, ‘I love you.’
This Poet is Dust
All Original Text & Occasional Bending Of Truth, Written, Recorded & Performed by RM - Copyright (C) 2024 RM/VMH - All Rights Reserved
(Poetry not by me)
Underground, incinerated into ash, lost, if they’re loved, you’ll find them here.
The Choreography Project
Returning in 2025
A Quick Word
As I’m wure you’ve seen elsewhere on the site (specifically at Emergency Fundraiser for Salim — VMH) for the past year, my brother Salim has been dealing with Stage 4 Liver Cirrhosis. Without a liver transplant soon, he will die.
His work has now moved him to long-term disability and that affects his benefits as well for very expensive medication. The financial strain on him is only exacerbating his condition.
We’ve been running a fundraiser for him, but it’s going pretty slow lately. We’ve also set up a campaign to help find him a living liver donor, but there are layers of bureaucracy that make it challenging to receive a transplant from a living donor in this country
The fundraiser is for his rent, food & medication but more, it’s to buy us enough time to find him that living liver donor to save his life.
I know it’s hard out there. I know it’s the holidays, I know of the financial uncertainty of things. But if everyone reading this donated $25 or more to him, it buys him that time for me to find him that living liver donor and we save his life.
If you’re willing to help us, you can visit this link - Emergency Fundraiser for Salim — VMH or simply click on the ‘Donate’ button below (& if you do, on behalf of my brother & my family, thank you)